Saturday, November 14, 2015

If Theists Have An Imaginary Friend, Atheists Play House.

Unequipped with any refute to the arguments for the existence of God, some atheists disguise their ignorance behind snark. Either by meme or by tweet, atheists will call God a theists "imaginary friend", oblivious of the circular reasoning in their statement. In a different post, I'll discuss philosophy of ethics and how, at the very least, Christian morality is living according to reality ("Morality is living according to design" -Peter Kreeft). In this post, I wanted to expose precisely that if there is no God, we all are living according to our imagination.

A consequential conclusion derived from the illusion of no 'designer' of the universe is that nothing in this life has meaning - nothing has purpose. We make objects and actions mean things by the way we subjectively interpret them. Concepts such as 'good' and 'evil' are ideas that we humans decide to apply to certain actions done by man (good and evil aren't empirical objects that can be proven by testing, so technically they don't exist). Likewise for the purpose and use of things. A phone can have the purpose and meaning of communicating with a person 800 miles away or it can have the purpose of smashing a spider on the wall. Either way, I decide what the phone means and what purpose is attributed to its definition as "phone".

Recall to mind our time in preschool where in the corner was a life-size plastic kitchen set. It came with plastic food, a plastic stove, a plastic microwave, a plastic kitchen phone, plastic silverware, etc. None of these things are real as alluded to by the adjective "plastic" in front of each of these things. Continuing with the recollection, there was also a box with random clothing to dress up and play "house". A girl was the wife and mother; a boy was the husband and father. They chose clothes that would give the impression they had such roles during their play/skit. Each of these objects, from the plastic kitchen to the clothes, were given meaning by the kids so they may be something other than what they were - plastic in the shape of something real and kids in the roles as adults. The kids employed their imagination to give new meaning to objects that previously had none.

Sadly, atheists take this same method and apply it to real things. Any meaning they give to anything in life is a product of their own imagination since it has no existence in reality apart from their mind. It's taking the real world and living it through ones own imagination - subjective meaning.

If theists have an imaginary friend, atheists play house.

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